Tuesday, January 21, 2014


This isn't an update but on Saturday when #TheKillerTunaJump premiered, I tweeted 'sassy cat' with the hashtag and I didn't even know Ariana was favoriting, I didn't know she actually saw my tweet, and I didn't even know she was online at the time. So I was just live tweeting and then I check my Interactions and it's like "Ariana Grande has favorited your tweet" or whatever and I was like um ok.. this is probably just a fake acc. (I get those all the time, where they like pretend to be the celebrity and follow people or something just to scare you) And I get notifications on my phone and it lit up and I checked it and it said blah blah blah with the username "@ArianaGrande" I'm like WHAT? I literally almost screamed and then started tearing up a bit. I was like how tf did she see my tweet because I always tweet her and she never sees them and this time I didn't even tweet her, she was just looking through the hashtag. Even though she followed me back in March, her favoriting me is kind of a big deal for me. Now if I could just get a tweet from her lol.. jk jk. I'm grateful that she already follows and favorited me. I would love a tweet though. Like just an I love you or something idk. Anyway, she made my night and I was so happy doiabfueb.

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